Creating Top-Notch Web Design for Your Brand? Here’s Why It Is Important


Your website should make your audience stay on the page and convert. But, how can you do this if your web design is not enticing and engaging for your target audience?

In this article, we find out the importance of web design in your business and why you need it to grow your online presence.

Study shows that “if only given 15 minutes to consume content, 66 percent of people would prefer to see something beautifully designed versus something plain and simple” (WebFX, 2021). This is proof that customers care about design, and their behavior largely depends on it. 

Here are some other reasons web design is important.

It sets the brand image

Your website reflects what your brand is all about and what it stands for. Aside from depending on social media, your website is one of the first things your customers look into when they want to get to know more about your business. So, you need to make sure that the elements of your design should be consistent with the identity you want to get across. 

Additionally, a good and professional-looking website encourages trust. Remember, customers can judge your business within seconds. Make it count.

It helps your SEO 

Fighting for visibility online is a continuous challenge for your brand. An exceptional web design can affect your search engine optimization, affecting how search engine spiders crawl and index your website.

A website design that carries too many heavy files and photos will make it load slower, prompting your visitors to leave your page. This, then, will affect your SEO score and your visibility on search engines. 

It aids customers to navigate easily

A great web design enables your customers to navigate the site easily. Remember that your ultimate goal is to provide the best user experience possible. So, it is a must that when your audience enters your website, they get to see the information they need easily, which then leads to higher chances of conversion. 

Don’t miss your chance to entice your audience and make them want to buy your products or avail of your services. Make sure you deliver top-notch web applications that will make them know more about your business, and ultimately be converted as loyal customers. 

Need some help? Let us get you started! Email us at contact@exploretale.com and we’ll help you with your requirements.


Expert Commentator. (2021). What is the importance of web design for your audience? Retrieved from https://www.smartinsights.com/user-experience/website-design/what-is-the-importance-of-web-design-for-your-audience/

EZMarketing Team. (2018). Why good web design is important, and why you need it. Retrieved from https://blog.ezmarketing.com/why-good-web-design-is-important

Lentz, C. (2020). Why good web design is important. Retrieved from https://resultsrepeat.com/why-good-web-design-is-important/
WebFX. (2021). Why is web design important? Retrieved from https://www.webfx.com/web-design/why-is-web-design-important.html


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